maandag 16 mei 2011

Sofyen Belamouadden: Youths guilty of Victoria killing

In March 2010 Sofyen Belamouadden was hunted down and stabbed to death by a group of teenagers in a London Tube station. There were tensions between pupils of two west London schools. Some of the teenagers saw the station as their ‘home territory’ and an attack was planned on Facebook. The assault took place during rush hour and there were hundreds of witnesses. Two youth have been convinced for murder, three others for manslaughter. A number of other youths will face individual trial over the killing and they will be sentenced following the conclusion of these trials.

One of the convicts declared to the court he was joining in the violence ‘simply because everyone else was doing it.’ Where did this go wrong? A 17 year old boy guilty of such a serious crime is a very troubled teenager. Automatically our thoughts go to the victim’s family who has to suffer a great loss. They didn’t do anything wrong and yet they are sentenced for life. However, I believe we should also think about the offender in cases like this. I definitely think youths committing an adult crime should be punished like adults, but punishment alone is not enough. We should keep in mind that, even though this young boy did something unforgivable, he is only 17 years old. He still has a life ahead of him and people can change, especially people as young as this. If we are not prepared to offer help, two young lives will be lost; the victim’s and the offender’s.

2 opmerkingen:

captain beefheart zei

He's only 17 years old and according to the story his stupidity is so enormous that I have serious doubts if that is is curable. Lock him up and throw away the key.

margit ukok zei

Where will this end and where did it start? How can this have happened, it was announced on Facebook! And what is worse you can wonder, all the hundreds of witnesses during rush hour not being able to stop this? Or the fact that 'tension between pupils of two schools'can come to this? One of the convicts declared he was joining in because everyone else was doing it! We do not only have to teach them English in school, there is something very basic very wrong. We, parents,carers and teachers, have to teach them respect and morality, otherwise this will become worse and worse.
This can simply not become normal bahaviour.