zondag 15 mei 2011

Bringing babies into the workplace


Due to nursery costs that rise twice as much as family incomes in some parts of the UK, it is difficult for mothers to decide whether to go back to work or not. For companies it is a huge problem to replace the employees that are on maternity or paternity leave. That is why a firm in Tamworth, Staffordshire, decided to conduct an experiment. They allowed their staff to bring in their babies and toddlers to the office. It turned out that working while supervising a toddler was more distracting than they expected, so this will not be taken up as a long-term childcare solution.

Bringing your child into the office is the most ridiculous thing. I’m not surprised to hear it causes distraction. How unfair it is to employees that don’t have children. They are expected to be a lot more productive than the mummies and daddies that also have to supervise their children, even though they get paid the same salary. Life is all about choices and if you choose to have children, you know beforehand you will have to pay a lot for childcare if you want to continue working. This is something you have to take into account. If you don’t want to pay a lot for other people to take care of your children, it’s your own responsibility to find another solution.

1 opmerking:

captain beefheart zei

It was a good experiment though and it will not be the last. Companies have trouble to find good qualified people and they are prepared to go a long way to get and to keep them.